איך גיב דיר לעקא ח, און דער אויבערשטער

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1 איך גיב דיר לעקא ח, און דער אויבערשטער זא ל דיר געבן א גוט יא ר Transforming the Nations THE HEAVENLY EVENTS OF SUKKOS AND SIMCHAS TORAH 5731 Yom Kippur with the Rebbe A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION The Rebbe s Capital City $5.95 ISSUE 73 (150) SEPTEMBER 2018 THE FOUNDING OF KFAR CHABAD

2 החיילים בצבאות ה שיחיו מנחם מענדל בן הרה ת ר יעקב יהודה וזוגתו מרת חנה שיחיו מאיעסקי יהודא ליב בן הרה ת לוי יצחק מאיר וזוגתו מרת סלאווא שיחיו דובאוו לוי יצחק בן הרה ת ר שמואל וזוגתו מרת חי מושקא שיחיו ששונקין הוקדש ע י זקניהם הרה ת ר שלום דובער וזוגתו מרת דבורה לאה ומשפחתם שיחיו דובאוו לעבן מיט'ן רבי'ן KOS SHEL BROCHA, TISHREI Transforming the Nations SUKKOS - SIMCHAS TORAH 5731 Tishrei chodesh hachagim, is one of the times of the year that every Chossid desires to spend with the Rebbe. Starting with the solemn Yomim Nora im, and culminating with the festive days of Z man Simchaseinu, this season was always abound with giluyim. Beginning with the unique style of the Rosh Hashanah maamar, continuing with the surprise maamar on Vov Tishrei, and peaking with the revelations of Sukkos and Simchas Torah, Tishrei 5731 stood out. That year, the Rebbe put a strong focus on the idea of את ה כל גוים,הללו one of the two pesukim in the Rebbe s kapitel this year ( ). With this in mind, we present a vivid account of that time period, based on various diaries from the time, hanachos of the sichos, and 6

3 20 SHEVAT 5730, JEM an article written by Rabbi Michoel Seligson, who.וזכות הרבים תלוי בו time. was a bochur at the CHANGE OF SCHEDULE At the beginning of Tishrei, rumors spread that the Rebbe would not be continuing his longstanding custom of farbrenging in the sukkah on the second day of Sukkos. A year earlier, the crowds had swelled tremendously, to the point that Rabbi Y. K. Marlow broke his leg amidst all the pushing. These reports were confirmed on Motzei Yom Kippur, when the Rebbe told Rabbi Hodakov that he would not be farbrenging in the sukkah, due to the inevitable danger it entailed. After Mincha the following day, several guests, along with members of the vaad hamesader, approached the Rebbe with the request to farbreng on Sukkos. The Rebbe explained that this was an issue of pikuach nefesh mamosh, and he couldn t shoulder that responsibility. When the representatives of Kfar Chabad presented the Rebbe with esrogim, Reb Shmuel Chefer approached the Rebbe and reasoned: Being that [in the times of ikvesa d meshicha,] chutzpah is prevalent, and chutzpah is effective even toward Heaven, would the Rebbe please farbreng on Sukkos? The Rebbe contended that as per Shulchan Aruch 1, it was forbidden for him to farbreng in a dangerous place. The Rebbe continued that he follows the same Shulchan Aruch as everyone, and being that there is concern of sakanas nefashos, Halacha rules that a sofek, or even a sfek-sfeika (a remote possibility of danger) is l chumra (we remain stringent and extra careful) and he will therefore not hold a farbrengen. So it remained until the second night of Sukkos. SECOND NIGHT OF SUKKOS When the Rebbe returned to his room after that night s Maariv, the key could not be found. Reb Yisroel Shemtov climbed through the window and opened the door for the Rebbe after which the Rebbe thanked him. Rabbi Hodakov then entered the room and stayed for a few minutes. Upon exiting, he conveyed that the Rebbe would recite a maamar in the shul the following afternoon, at the usual farbrengen time. Not everyone heard Rabbi Hodakov s words and some initial confusion ensued. Would a farbrengen on Sukkos be taking place inside? It soon became clear that the farbrengen would indeed be taking place downstairs in the big shul. As to washing for hamotzi and saying l chaim the אויף] Rebbe said that this farbrengen would be dry.[טרוק'ן SECOND DAY OF SUKKOS At 6:05 p.m., the Rebbe entered the shul and requested for the niggun Shalosh T'nuos to be sung. This was followed by the maamar-niggun, after which the Rebbe began a maamar, beginning with.הללו את ה כל גוים שבחוהו כל האמים possuk: the הללו את In this maamar (based on the maamar of the Alter Rebbe), the Rebbe discussed ה כל גוים the chayus that the nations of the world receive from kedusha, explaining that ultimately, this too, will be elevated. Quoting from the day s haftorah (which discusses the goyim being judged), the Rebbe explained its connection to Sukkos, when 70 bulls are offered, corresponding to the 70 nations of the world. The Rebbe concluded the maamar with special brachos for the coming of Moshiach. At the maamar s conclusion, Chassidim realized that something unique was transpiring. The Rebbe s passionate words about the gentile kingdoms, beginning with the unique dibur hamaschil and concluding with brachos similar to those the Rebbe had said at the conclusion of the maamarim on Rosh Hashanah, Shabbos Shuvah, and Vov Tishrei, stood out as interesting. In addition, the entire setting of the farbrengen, and the fact that the Rebbe began right away with a maamar, was something unique. After the maamar and niggun simcha, the Rebbe continued with two more sichos. (Initially the Rebbe had only notified that he would say a maamar, so this was also taken by surprise.) After elaborating 7

4 20 SHEVAT 5730, JEM on the hashpa ah the korbanos of 70 bulls had on the ministers of the world s 70 nations, the Rebbe revealed that this wasn t just ruchniyusdik, but rather it was intended to affect the current goings-on in regard to the nations' relation to the Yidden. The U.N. General Assembly, marking the institution s twenty-fifth anniversary, was taking place at that time. The Rebbe said: Everything is b hashgacha protis, as explained in Chassidus, but we sometimes fail to notice this. Here, however, we see that when there was a need to gather representatives from all 70 nations of the world in the U.N., it was set for Chag HaSukkos. They didn t intend for it to take place on Sukkos, and they certainly didn t calculate this twenty five years ago. However, everything is b hashgacha protis, and Although they did not see, their mazal saw it. 2 This gathering is taking place on Sukkos, when we read in the haftorah: And I will gather all the nations, etc., 3 and is connected with the fact that 70 bulls were offered in the Beis Hamikdash, corresponding to the 70 nations. Intimating that he had asked someone what he s doing about the current goings-on in the U.N., the Rebbe said: Those who bichlal don t know what the U.N. תבא עליהם ברכה is (may they be blessed). They accomplish whatever is necessary with their learning and davening. However, those who are familiar with the U.N. (because they read the paper religiously; obviously after davening and learning their regular shiurim ) should attempt to do something in this regard. Otherwise, why are they wasting their time reading the news? It s bitul Torah!" Declaring that despite the nations gathering למה רגשו גוים written, to harm the Yidden, as is (Why have nations,ולאמים יהגו ריק... על ה ועל משיחו gathered and [why do] kingdoms think vain things?...against Hashem and His anointed one...) 4 the Rebbe said that nothing would come of it. Ultimately, all their hashpa ah is derived from their 70 sarim, who in turn receive it when the Yidden offer the 70 bulls on Sukkos. This means that they are subservient to bnei Yisroel. The Rebbe continued that the way to combat these evils was to organize gatherings of kedusha, just as the members of the U.N. did the opposite. The Rebbe specified that these gatherings should take place, first and foremost, at the Kosel Hama aravi, where visitors come from many diverse nations and kingdoms. But in addition to the gathering at the Kosel, the Rebbe stressed the importance of coming together in every locale, wherever Yidden are found, and especially here [New York], where their gathering is taking place. The Rebbe continued that this applies even where there is only one Yid who will thereby singlehandedly subdue that nation s sar. The sicha concluded with the wish that through this gathering of Torah, tefilah, and Sukkos-related matters, it will be possible to transform the entire U.N. to good! The Rebbe specified that by fulfilling mitzvas lulav and influencing others to do the same, we cause the entire world to shake, because the lulav signifies the Yidden s victory in judgement. The Rebbe pointed out that one of the reasons for the farbrengen was to reveal all of this to those assembled; especially as individuals from many nations and kingdoms had gathered to hear words of Torah from the Rebbeim and their teachers, tracing back to Moshe Rabbeinu, 8

5 including the maamar beginning with the words which discusses the Yidden s,הללו את ה כל גוים offering of 70 bulls and its effect on the world s nations. The farbrengen ended with an instruction that the maamar of the Alter Rebbe be studied during הללו את ה כל גוים Sukkos, this in turn leading to all nations of the world recognizing that all of their hashpa os derive from the hashpa ah of bnei Yisroel. Immediately following the farbrengen and maariv at Yom Tov s end, a hanacha of the sichos was written up. After the hanacha of the maamar was submitted, the Rebbe agreed to edit it (something highly unusual in those years). Throughout Chol Hamoed, bochurim and anash continuously reviewed the maamar. FIRST DAY OF CHOL HAMOED Tremendous excitement was in the air. Spurred by the Rebbe s words that the world at large is affected by our actions, it was decided that the kinus of Tzach that traditionally took place on the first day of Chol Hamoed in 770 would be an International Kinus, with representatives from all over the world who had arrived to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe. Furthermore, the Rebbe told Rabbi Hodakov that each country s delegate was not only its representative, but its baal habayis! The Rebbe also instructed that Rabbi Binyomin Gorodetzky should represent those countries without an envoy present. And so it was. The baal habayis of Eretz Yisroel, exercising his power, ruled that the terrible decree of Mihu Yehudi be annulled, and that the shtochim not be given away to the Arabs. Following him was Russia s representative, who proclaimed that the Yidden behind the Iron Curtain must be freed immediately, and that all who live there be able to freely practice Yiddishkeit. Several other delegates followed with similar words. The entire gathering was taken very seriously as it was done with the Rebbe s kochos, and rumor had it that the Rebbe was very pleased with what transpired. There had never been a Kinus Tzach of 9

6 Ksav Yad Kodesh הרה"ת ר' דניאל זונדל הלוי וזוגתו מרת ראובנה לאה ומשפחתם שיחיו גרודניצקי The Real Success Throughout the Rebbe s nesius, before Rosh Hashanah each year, the Rebbe sent a handwritten letter to the venerated mashpia, Reb Shmuel Levitin, blessing him with a good year. The following ksav yad kodesh was the letter the Rebbe wrote to him sixty years ago, for Rosh Hashanah 5719: 14 TAMMUZ 5778

7 B H Erev Rosh Hashanah 5719 Brooklyn, NY Harav Hagaon Harav Hachossid...Mashpia of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch, Harav Shmuel shlit a Halevi Greetings and Blessings. In honor of the forthcoming new year, may it be a good one for us and for all of the Jewish people, I hereby express my blessing for you to be inscribed and sealed for a good and sweet year, materially and spiritually. With special blessings for success with your students whom you influence; may they indeed turn out as intended by our Rebbeim, the founders and leaders of Yeshivos Tomchei Temimim everywhere. [The Rebbe s signature] ב"ה ערב ר"ה ה' תשי"ט ברוקלין נ.י. שלום וברכה. הרה"ג והרה"ח הוו"ח אי"א נו"מ מזקני רבני אנ"ש, משפיע ישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש מהר"ש שליט"א הלוי לקראת השנה החדשה, הבע"ל ועל כל ישראל לטובה, הנני בזה להביע ברכתי ברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה בגשמיות וברוחניות. בברכה מיוחדת להצלחה במושפעיו תלמידיו שיהיו כפי כוונת רבותינו נשיאינו מייסדי ומנהלי ישיבות תו"ת בכל מקום. ]חתי"ק[ (Teshura Rivkin-Farkash 5775) TAMMUZ TISHREI

8 The founding of Kfar Chabad 16

9 Contemplation Two years earlier, in 5708, a meeting had taken place on the other side of the world, at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. Zalman Shazar, who would eventually become the president of Israel, came for a yechidus with the Frierdiker Rebbe. On the evening before the United Nations voted whether to establish a state for the Jewish people in Eretz Yisroel, the Frierdiker Rebbe had assured Mr. Shazar via a phone message that it would be a success. In a subsequent yechidus with Mr. Shazar, the Frierdiker Rebbe brought up another issue. Being that he was a prominent member of the Jewish Agency, the de facto government of the Jews in British Mandate Palestine, the Frierdiker Rebbe wanted to know about the possibility of founding a Chabad village there. Talk of a Chabad village had begun several years earlier 2 amongst the Chassidim in Eretz Yisroel. During those years, the Chabad community in the Holy Land was very small and The Frierdiker Rebbe wanted to know about the possibility of founding a Chabad village there. spread out throughout the country. The Chassidim worried that the lack of a strong sense of community would have dire implications for the next generation. They also felt that a central location would do wonders for their poor economic situation. Additionally, it could be an impetus for more effective hafotzas hama ayanos. The close of World War II brought a new sense of urgency. Hundreds of Lubavitch families were stranded in displaced persons camps in Germany and Austria with nowhere to go. A village in Eretz Yisroel could be the perfect answer. Over Tishrei 5708,(תש ח) Reb Leizer Karasik and Reb Moshe Gurary, the heads of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel, came to spend Tishrei with the Frierdiker Rebbe. During their yechidusen, they brought up the suggestion and asked the Frierdiker Rebbe for direction. Mr. Shazar s yechidus took place a short time later, where he assured the Frierdiker Rebbe that it was indeed a practical plan. Over the next year, the Chassidim in the DP camps began receiving instructions from the Frierdiker Rebbe regarding their future; some were sent to Australia, some to United States and Canada, but a very large number was instructed to go to Eretz Yisroel. Becoming a Reality More than a year passed without any progress. The War of Independence was fought with vengeance. Streams of Lubavitch families arrived at the shores of Eretz Yisroel, and were settled in ma abarot (refugee absorption camps) throughout the country. The Frierdiker ISRAELI GOVERNMENT PRESS OFFICE 19

10 Rebbe established a committee to deal with the refugees on his behalf. The members were Reb Leizer Karasik, Reb Shaul Ber Zislin, Reb Moshe Gurary and Reb Pinye Althaus. 3 On Yud-Tes Kislev 5709, Mr. Shazar participated in the farbrengen at the Nachlas Binyamin shul in Tel Aviv, and the committee utilized the opportunity to speak to him about a village. Mr. Shazar was very enthusiastic about the idea. He said that a wide array of choices had become available since the country had declared independence; there were many empty villages with homes and land that would serve their needs perfectly. Later that month, Mr. Shazar introduced them to the top brass of the government, many of whom had positive sentiments about the idea. The final approval and brocha of the Frierdiker Rebbe came in a letter toward the end of Kislev. 4 Mr. Shazar had suggested that the Lubavitchers be settled in Meron, due to their connection to pnimius hatorah, but in his correspondence, the Frierdiker Rebbe stipulated that the village be located in the central part of the country, where they would be able to have the greatest possible influence. The village, obviously, wasn t only meant to be a haven for the refugees. A possibility arose. The Mizrachi political party offered the committee an abandoned Arab village near Lod, called Safiriyya. There was only one condition: The residents had to become card-carrying members of Mizrachi. It sounds bizarre today, but in those early days of Eretz Yisroel s independence, everything was controlled by political parties. The schools, medical coverage, and all sorts of government programs were provided by each party separately. To remain apolitical meant that one would remain outside the normal system of subsidies and have to fend AN INSTRUCTOR FROM THE JEWISH AGENCY TEACHES THE NEW SETTLERS OF KFAR CHABAD HOW TO USE AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, TISHREI for himself. Every grant would be a battle. Nevertheless, the instructions from the Frierdiker Rebbe were clear. Come what may, Lubavitch must not belong to any political party. They began negotiations with Mizrachi over the property, when suddenly, some Mizrachi families moved into the village without government approval, claiming it belonged to them. The committee realized that soon all would be lost, and decided to invade the village as well, while simultaneously pushing for government approvals. Seeing the reality on the ground, Levi Eshkol, the then director of the Jewish Agency, decided to split the village in two. One side of the main road would be given to Chabad, and the other side would be called Tochelet, for the Mizrachi families. Things remained this way for several years, until the majority of the Mizrachi families moved away, and Tochelet was subsumed by Kfar Chabad. Mud, Mud and More Mud In an interview with A Chassidisher Derher, Reb Boruch Gopin, one of the first residents of Kfar Chabad and today one of its respected elders, described the scene of their arrival: When the people arrived in the middle of Iyar 5709, there was nothing 20

11 ISRAELI GOVERNMENT PRESS OFFICE but desolation and destruction. The roofs of the stone structures had been destroyed, and all that remained intact were a few clay homes. The fields had been neglected for over a year. A small well stood at the center of town, and one outhouse served the entire community. Work immediately began to make the town habitable. The families settled in the clay huts, six families per hut, while the larger families received tents. The most pressing job was to prepare 70 stone structures to serve as homes for the founding families. The work was done by the people, for the people, under the guidance of a contractor hired by the Jewish Agency. The work was back-breaking, Reb Boruch relates, but the Jewish Agency paid each worker one lira and 40 agorot for a day s work. That was a lot of money. A package of butter was ten agorot, and a liter of petrol was only three. For months, the new inhabitants energetically went about their new line of work; installing roofs and windows, fixing floors, and so on. When the work was finally done, the newly renovated homes were raffled off: larger families received the larger homes and smaller families entered a raffle for the smaller ones. Then the next phase of the work began; they needed a proper shul, schools, a mikvah, and basic infrastructure. The initial work to establish Kfar Chabad lasted a full six months. Another hurdle was electricity. Light came from kerosene lamps. For the streets lights, Kfar Chabad employed a real-life lamternchik Reb Yisroel Yitzchok Zalmanov straight out of the stories in the Rebbeim s sichos, who would light the street lamps every evening at dusk. Although none of the new Israeli villages were connected to the national grid, Kfar Chabad ultimately received power early on, thanks to the connections of Reb Pinye Althaus. He invited his prominent friends to the Yud-Tes Kislev farbrengen in Kfar Chabad, while subtly hinting that it would be inappropriate for such a 21

12 הרה ת ר שלום דוב בער וזוגתו מרת חי מושקא ובנותיהם ברכה ליפשא ועליזה ושיינדל שיחיו שוחאט LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM THE REBBE ENTERS HIS ROOM AT THE CLOSE OF YOM KIPPUR, 5737.

13 Yom Kippur Rebbe a roundtable discussion Every Yom Tov in the festive month of Tishrei has its special moments with the Rebbe. Even a day like Yom Kippur, being solemn and serious and not necessarily a time of lively occurrences, has its special story to tell. Lekach, the brocha to anash, the special brocha to the bochurim, and the climax of Napoleon s March; these are some of the most special moments with the Rebbe throughout the year. We are privileged to record the following zichronos of these special moments with the Rebbe as recounted by Rabbi Sholom Duchman of Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Avraham Mann of Toronto, ON, and Rabbi Yosef Nemes of New Orleans, LA. See similar roundtable discussions we ve held about Rosh Hashanah, Derher Tishrei 5777; Simchas Torah, Derher Tishrei

14 JEM THE REBBE EXITS 770 HOLDING THE KAPOROS CHICKEN FOR THE SHECHITA, EREV YOM KIPPUR Let s begin with the seder on Erev Yom Kippur. Rabbi Duchman: On Erev Yom Kippur in the morning, the Rebbe would arrive at 770 early for kaparos. After performing it in his room, the Rebbe would come out to the back of the building where he would give the chicken to the shochet, and after the shechita the Rebbe would perform kisui hadam. The Rebbe would then go to the mikvah and come out for Shacharis. Generally, the Rebbe did not visit the Ohel on Erev Yom Kippur (with the exception of 5750). Rabbi Mann: One thing we always noticed was that during the shechita, the Rebbe shuddered a bit and had an uncomfortable face. Then the Rebbe covered the blood five times with the feathers, after making the brocha al kisui hadam. This can be seen on video. Throughout the day (and specifically by kaparos), the Rebbe s face was extremely serious, perhaps even more than on Yom Kippur itself. Sometimes it appeared as if the Rebbe s eyes were red from tears. After Mincha, for instance, when the Rebbe gave a brocha to anash in the shul, the Rebbe was very serious throughout. (One exception to that was in 5752, when the Rebbe spoke in a very joyous tone; more about that later on.) The vibe was a seriousness that seemed to imply concern that all the Yidden should have a shana tova umesuka. The content of those sichos after Mincha were always about positive things; brachos and assurance for a good year ahead, etc. The Rebbe also often spoke of teshuva ila a, the higher level of teshuva that we all hope to attain; a teshuva done with joy. Later on, on Yom Kippur night, the Rebbe was still serious, but slightly more relaxed. Interestingly, in 5750 the Rebbe put things in a fascinating perspective. On Shabbos Shuva, the Rebbe said that there should be farbrengens every day until Yom Kippur. Then he listed all the remaining days, and when he came to Yom Kippur he said, Af Yom Kippur farbrengt yeder Yid mit Atzmus u Mehus alein! On Yom Kippur, every Yid farbrengs with Hashem Himself! Rabbi Duchman: Throughout most of the years of the Rebbe s nesius (until Chof-Beis Shevat 5748), one of the few 40

15 LEVI FREIDIN VIA JEM THE REBBE DISTRIBUTES LEKACH EREV YOM KIPPUR, days a year that the Rebbe davened Shacharis on weekdays with the minyan was on Erev Yom Kippur. It was a special time when we were able to see the Rebbe during Shacharis and daven with him. It was usually a fairly quick davening, as it is a very busy day. 1 Lekach Rabbi Duchman: After concluding Shacharis, the Rebbe began distributing lekach at the door to his room. Sometimes, when there were still people that hadn t received, the Rebbe continued giving out lekach after Mincha. 2 Men and children all passed by, receiving a piece of cake, and a brocha for a shana tova umesuka. (Women would come by the Rebbe for lekach on Hoshaana Rabba.) Rabbi Nemes: The distribution of lekach was obviously a very special part of the day. The Rebbe stood for hours greeting each individual and blessing them with a good year. A very long line would form to get lekach. We used to go to mikvah, daven, and say lots of Tehillim to prepare ourselves before seeing the Rebbe. Mincha and Brocha to Anash Rabbi Duchman: The Rebbe came downstairs to the large shul for Mincha holding bags of coins. Plates (makeshift tzedakah pushkas ) were set up and the Rebbe dropped money into each one. After Mincha, the Rebbe gave a brocha to anash and then the Rebbe would go home, returning later for birkas habanim. As early as I can remember (5727 or 5728), the Rebbe davened Mincha on Erev Yom Kippur in the big shul downstairs. On Yom Kippur, every Yid farbrengs with Hashem Himself! 41

16 Story החייל בצבאות ה ישראל ארי לייב לרגל הולדתו י ג אייר ה תשע ח ולרגל הכנסו בבריתו של אאע ה כ אייר ה תשע ח ו הוריו הרה ת ר יוסף וזוגתו מרת יהודית ומשפחתם שיחיו וולבובסקי נדפס ע י הרוצה בעילום שמו The Timely AS TOLD BY HATOMIM MENACHEM WOLF (KHERSON, UKRAINE) In the summer of 5777, three of my friends and I, fellow shluchim in Ukraine, wished to create a unique Merkos Shlichus opportunity: A mitzvah tank to visit over 20 Ukrainian towns and villages that do not currently have a full-time shliach, in the span of three weeks. The projected costs of the project were quite large, especially for young bochurim as us, with no fundraising experience. We had no idea where the money would come from but we were certain that the mitzvah tank would become a reality, since this was surely something that would cause nachas ruach to the Rebbe. Together with my friend Mendy Gottlieb we started to contact individuals we knew in the New York area to offer them the opportunity to partner in this special endeavor. On a Thursday morning in Sivan, we went to the Ohel to request a brocha to succeed in raising the necessary funds. In my note I described all the details of the project. The exact itinerary of the trip, the supplies we would take along, and the peulos we envisioned to do in each place. I included the projected budget and the people we planned to solicit for financial support. The Rebbe explained on several occasions that sometimes the brocha needed is ready for you, however, it 56

17 has not yet materialized since you did not request a brocha.כל המבקש על חבירו הוא נענה תחילה another. on behalf of My brother Aryeh Leib was in the midst of working on publishing a Russian-language Tanya with explanations and needed a lot of money to bring the project across the finish line. In my note I requested a braocha for the success of my brother s project as well. I was in the Ohel for approximately 20 minutes. After washing my hands in the tent near the Ohel, I turned on my phone and an from a certain Yid caught my eye. We had contacted him several days earlier, asking him to contribute to the project. In his response, which arrived while I was in the Ohel, he notified me that he would be honored to participate by donating five times the amount we had expected! I turned to Mendy and simply said, We have the Rebbe s brocha for the mitzvah tank! Although this generous donation did not cover the entire budget, it was a major push and gave us the needed momentum to fundraise the rest of the money. After Tisha B Av, the four of us set out on our journey in our synagogue on wheels and experienced unbelievable success. In addition to distributing numerous care packages, teaching shiurei Torah, mounting over 100 mezuzos, and all the other mivtzoim we did, two boys we met merited to have a bris and one of them currently learns in a Lubavitcher mossad in Eretz Yisroel! We also influenced a young Jewish man to marry Jewish and connected him with one of the shluchim in the area. Within the year, he married a Jewish woman with a proper Jewish wedding and they now live in the Jewish community of Zaporozhye. We felt that the Rebbe was with us the entire time. The unprecedented success we experienced proved to us how essential this project is and we decided to arrange three mitzvah tanks for the summer of 5778, to reach many more towns and villages. We are certain that all of our successes are due to the Rebbe s brachos. YOUR STORY Share your story with A Chassidisher Derher by ing stories@derher.org. 57

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19 החייל בצבאות ה ישעיהו בער שיחי לרגל יום הולדתו ה תשרי שיגדל להיות חי ל לנח ר כ ק אדמו ר ולנח ר הוריו הי ו מתוך בריאות נכונה בגו ר רחל שתחי טייכטל שלוחה של כ ק אדמו ר ברלין לרגל הגיעה לגיל שתים עשרה היא עונת בת מצוה ט ז תשרי תשע ט נדפס ע י הוריה שיחיו הרה"ת ר' מנחם מענדל וזוגתו מרת חי מושקא ומשפחתם שיחיו שם טוב הרה ת ר יעקב דובער וזוגתו מרת חנה איטא ומשפחתם שיחיו ליף לע"נ הרה"ת ר' ניסן בן הרה"ח ר' יוחנן ע"ה נלב"ע ביום ל' כסלו ה'תש"נ ולע"נ זוגתו מרת שרה רוזא ע"ה בת ר' אהרן ע"ה נלב"ע כ"ח אדר ה'תשע"ז גארדאן ת.נ.צ.ב.ה. DEDICATED BY MR. & MRS. LARRY GORDON מאיר, מנחם מענדל, לוי, ישראל, נחום, שמואל, שניאור זלמן ואיטא נדפס ע"י הוריהם הרה"ת ר' יוסף יצחק הכהן ומרת נחמה דינה שיחיו בלעסאפסקי לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ"ק אדמו"ר זי"ע ולהצלחה רבה ומופלגה בכל עניניהם החיילת בצבאות ה נועה מזל תחי לרגל הולדתה כ ב תמוז ה תשע ח ו הוריה התמים ר אליהו וזוגתו נחמה עטל שיחיו פיחה ו זקיניה הרה ת ר יצחק וזוגתו רבקה ומשפחתם שיחיו טענענבוים הרה ת ר מאיר וזוגתו אלישבע יעל ומשפחתם שיחיו פיחה הרה ת ר יצחק דובער שיחי גלאסנער לרגל יום הולדתו ט תשרי DEDICATED BY HIS WIFE SHAINA, AND CHILDREN MENDEL AND MORDECHAI GLASSNER הת יוסף יצחק לרגל הגיעו לעול מצוות כ תמוז ה תשע ח נדפס ע י הוריו הרה ת ר אליהו וזוגתו שולמית ומשפחתם שיחיו בלאך הת לוי יצחק, חנה, משה פינחס, ישראל ארי לייב שיחיו נדפס ע י הוריהם הרה ת ר מנחם מענדל וזוגתו מרת ברכה שיחיו טעלדאן ילדינו היקרים הת מנחם מענדל שיחי לרגל יום הולדתו א אלול עטל צערנא תחי לרגל יום הולדתה י ד מנחם אב חוה גיטל תחי' לרגל יום הולדתה כ אלול שיגדלו להיות חסידים ומקושרים אמיתיים ויגרמו נח ר לכ ק אדמו ר נדפס ע י הוריהם הרה ת ר יוסף וזוגתו מרת ליבא דבורה שיחיו ראפופורט TISHREI

20 IN HONOR OF AVROHOM AND DEVORAH HAYMAN DEDICATED BY YISROEL SCHULMAN DEDICATED BY THE SANDMAN FAMILY OF MIAMI BEACH MAY OUR CHILDREN GROW UP TO BE SOLDIERS OF THE REBBE החייל בצבאות ה ישראל ארי ליב לרגל הולדתו ט ו אייר ה תשע ח נדפס ע י הוריו הרה ת ר מענדל יעקב וזוגתו מרת רחל ומשפחתם שיחיו טרקסלער לע נ הרה ת ר אהרן בן הרה ת ר יהודה ע ה חיטריק נלב ע ביום כ ט תשרי ה תשע ב ולע נ הרה ת ר אליהו אריה ליב בן ר יוסף ע ה גראסס נלב ע בליל שמע צ אחר הקפות ה תשנ ה נדפס ע י משפחתם הרה ת ר אברהם נחום וזוגתו רחל ומשפחתם שיחיו גראסס הרה ת ר לוי יצחק וזוגתו מרת חנה באנון וילדיהם מנחם מענדל, חי מושקא, שרה, חנינא וישראל שיחיו לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ ק אדמו ר נדפס ע''י ר' מיכאל הכהן וזוגתו לאה ומשפחתם שי' כהן מנשסתר, אנגלי' 70 TISHREI 5778

21 הרה ת ר שלום וזוגתו מרת רבקה שיחיו שריקי ובניהם ובנותיהם חי מושקא ובעלה הרה ת ר דוד ובתם אלישבע טעמא שיחיו גאלאווינסקי חנה ובעלה התמים רפאל צמח הכהן ובנותיהם רחל וישועה אלכסנדרה שיחיו כהן הרה ת ר יוסף יצחק וזוגתו חנה ובתם נעמי אריאלה שיחיו שריקי החייל בצבאות ה ישראל ארי שיחי לרגל הולדתו בדר ח תמוז ה תשע ח ולרגל הכנסו בבריתו של אאע ה ח תמוז ה תשע ח ו אחותו ואחיו חיילים בצ ה חנה ולוי שיחיו ו הוריו הרה ת ר מנחם מענדל וזוגתו מרת חי מושקא שיחיו גרינברג נדפס ע י זקניו הרה ת ר יוסף יצחק וזוגתו מרת אסתר גאלדא ומשפחתם שיחיו גרינברג לעילוי נשמת מרת שיינא חי ע ה בת הרה ח ר שלום דובער ע ה ליבערמאן נלב ע ערב חג הסוכות ה תשע ד נדפס ע י חתנה ובתה הרה ת ר שלום דובער וזוגתו מרת מאשא שיחיו ליין מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ ק אדמו ר נדפס ע י הרה ת ר לוי יצחק שיחי וואגעל בקשר עם יום הולדתו ביום ו תשרי ו זוגתו מרת חי פריידא ומשפחתם שיחיו הרה"ת ר' דובער וזוגתו מרת שושנה ומשפחתם שיחיו יוניק להצלחה מרובה בכל אשר יפנו בגו"ר, מתוך הרחבה ונחת חסידותי מכל יו"ח TISHREI

22 מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות לנשיא דורנו כ"ק אדמו"ר זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע לע"נ מרת בראנא שיינא ע"ה בת ר' אברהם צבי הלוי נלב"ע י"ג תשרי ה'תשע"ה דייטש נדפס ע"י משפחתה שיחיו לע"נ הרה"ח הרה"ת אי"א נו"נ ר' בנימין הלוי בן הרה"ג הרה"ח מזקני התמימים ומשפיע בישיבת תו"ת הרב ר' שמואל הלוי ע"ה לעוויטין למד בישיבת תו"ת במחתרת ברוסיא והי' אח"כ מראשוני התלמידים בייסוד ישיבת תו"ת בארצה"ב זכה לקירוב מכ"ק רבותינו נשיאנו זי"ע הי' מראשוני התלמידים שנשלחו בשליחות המל"ח בערי השדה עסק ופעל בייסוד בית הספר לנערות "בית רבקה" והי' חבר מערכת "ניח"ח" הצטיין באופן נפלא בכיבוד אב וכפי שכתב עליו כ"ק אדמו"ר מהוריי"צ נ"ע "עונג רב גרמה לי הנהגתו הטובה בכבוד אב באופן נעלה" עסק בביסוס וחיזוק שכונת קראון הייטס כפי רצון כ"ק רבינו נשיאנו וזכה להתמנות על ידו להיות חבר פעיל ב"אגודת חסידי חב"ד העולמית" זכה להקים דור ישרים יבורך הולכים בדרך התורה והחסידות ומהם שלוחי כ"ק אדמו"ר זי"ע נפטר בשיבה טובה ביום ב' דחוה"מ סוכות ח"י תשרי ה'תשע"ד ת.נ.צ.ב.ה. נדפס ע"י משפחתו שיחיו מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ"ק אדמו"ר נדפס ע"י הרה"ת ר' יהושע פישל וזוגתו מרת שטערנא שרה ומשפחתם שיחיו ראזענשטיין לע"נ הרה"ח מוה"ר שניאור זלמן בן הרה"ח ר' נתן ע"ה גורארי' מקושר בכל נימי נפשו לרבותינו נשיאנו, ומקורב לבית רבי כל ימיו נלב"ע ביום השבת א' דראש השנה ה'תשס"ד נדפס ע"י משפחתו שיחיו הרה ת ר מענדי וזוגתו מרת שטערני ומשפחתם שיחיו סמיטאנא מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו נדפס ע"י ו הרה ת ר' לייביש משה וזוגתו מרת רינה ילדיהם קיילא באשא, בנציון דוד, אליהו איסר, רבקה שיינדל אלטא שיחיו גולדהירש A Chassidisher Derher Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim 770 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, New York MAGAZINE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY

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